The Metamorphosis of Daphne

I have just dug out my negatives of Daphne who was born in 1995. She results from a collaboration between myself and sculptor Giorgio Bevignani with whom I'd already collaborated on other photographs in the Metamorphoses series the year before. The laurel bush was constructed by Giorgio from soft steel wire and clip-on metal leaves.... Continue Reading →


Daphne 1995 In Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Apollo, the god of music and poetry, was afflicted by an infatuation for the beautiful nymph Daphne. He pursued her relentlessly until, unable to escape his clutches, she was transformed into a laurel tree by the river god Peneus in order to save her from capture. A popular subject during and... Continue Reading →


Metamorphoses 2011 The most famous Metamorphoses are those written by the Latin poet Ovid illustrating Greek myths and a source for countless artists, poets, painters and sculptors. Bernini based his statue Apollo and Daphne on Ovid's tale and I was in turn inspired by Bernini. However, for the rest of the series I was more... Continue Reading →

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